引 言
1 燃料电池热管理系统
Fig.1 PEMFC thermal management system model block
2 控制策略研究
2.1 流量跟随控制策略原理
Fig.2 Control strategy principle
2.2 神经网络自抗扰控制策略原理
Fig.3 Neural network auto disturbance rejection control strategy
2.3 流量跟随函数计算
2.4 神经网络自抗扰控制器模型
Fig.4 Nonlinear autoregressive neural network with external input structure
Fig.5 Nonlinear autoregressive neural network with external input algorithm flow
3 仿真结果及分析
3.1 模型验证
Fig.6 Thermal management system model verification
Table 1 Thermal management system control experimental parameters
Fig.7 Change of cooling water flow over time
Table 2 Fuel cell experimental parameters
3.2 控制策略
Fig.8 Temperature and temperature difference of cooling water at inlet and outlet of the reactor change with time
Fig.9 Fuel cell polarization curve and power curves
Fig.10 Dynamic response of stack current and voltage over time
Fig.11 Change of cooling water flow over time(strategy comparison)
Fig.12 Radiator fan flow changes over time(strategy comparison)
Fig.13 Temperature and temperature difference of cooling water at the fuel cell stack inlet and outlet of the reactor change with time(Strategy A)
Fig.14 Temperature and temperature difference of cooling water at the fuel cell stack inlet and outlet of the reactor change with time(Strategy B)
Fig.15 Temperature and temperature difference of cooling water at the fuel cell stack inlet and outlet of the reactor change with time(Strategy C)
Fig.16 Temperature and temperature difference of cooling water at the fuel cell stack inlet and outlet of the reactor change with time(strategy comparison)
Fig.17 Temperature and temperature difference fluctuation of the stack inlet and outlet cooling water
Fig.18 Degree of fluctuation and relative increase in the voltage of the stack
Fig.19 Control quality of control strategy(strategy comparison)
4 结 论
1 北京交通大学机械与电子控制工程学院
2 潍柴新能源科技有限公司